Journal of Orofacial Rehabilitation

Year 2022 Vol 2 Issue 2


I. What is plagiarism ? l J Orofacial Rehabilitation. 2022 Aug;2(2):1.

DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.6990923

Arka Swarnakar.

Original Study

01. Original Study l J Orofacial Rehabilitation. 2022 Aug;2(2):2-11.

DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.6984690 

Attitude and practice of disinfection protocol for different impression materials among practicing dentists in Tamil Nadu – A cross sectional survey.

Lizy Teena A, Surya R, Vidyashree Nandini V, Vaishnavi R, Manjula G.


Aim: The purpose of this survey was to find the attitude and practice of impression disinfection protocol employed by the practicing dentists in their clinical practice in Tamil Nadu.

Materials and Methods: Self-administered validated online website based questionnaires were circulated among dentists practicing in Tamil Nadu. The questions were taken up by dentists who were willing to participate in the survey and a total of 200 responses were recorded. There were two sections to the questionnaire: one included demographic information and the other featured questions regarding the disinfection protocol. The responses were recorded in excel sheet followed by statistical analysis of the data.

Results: 97.5% of the dentists routinely rinse the impression with running tap water before sending it to the lab/ prior pouring the cast and 2.5% dentists do not rinse the impressions. 78.9% dentists routinely disinfect the working impressions, whereas 21.1% do not disinfect the working impressions before sending it to the laboratory/ before pouring the casts.  48.2% of the dentists stated that they are unsure whether their lab workers disinfect their preliminary/working impression before pouring casts. 46.9% dentists stated that they do not have disinfection guidelines in their clinic. 81.4% believe that covid-19 spreads by saliva and 73.9% dentists have changed the disinfection protocol for impressions after covid-19.

Conclusion: It was found that the majority of respondents rinsed and disinfected the impression with running water and disinfected it on a regular basis for 1-10 minutes. This study also indicates a lack of interaction between the dentists and dental technicians about the information on the disinfection status of the impression sent, as well as a need for increased awareness in order to reduce the disease transmission in dental laboratories. Significant number of dentists have changed their disinfection protocol after covid-19 pandemic.

Keywords: Disinfection, Impression, Dental impression, Dentist, Dental technician.

02. Original Study l J Orofacial Rehabilitation. 2022 Aug;2(2):12-19.

DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.6984809

Perception and knowledge of augmented reality in prosthodontics among postgraduates and interns in Tamil Nadu.

Akshaya S, M Russia, Vidyashree Nandini V, Manjula G, Sethuramanan R.


Aim: The aim of the study is to determine the perception and knowledge about the application of “Augmented reality in prosthodontics” among the postgraduates and interns in Tamil Nadu.

Materials and methodology: From August to December 2021, a web- based cross-sectional survey inquiry was performed to collect responses from postgraduates and interns across Tamil Nadu. The survey consisted of ten questions and took approximately five minutes to complete. A Google form was used to create the questionnaire. The results of the statistical analysis of the data from the completed questionnaires were used to finish the study.

Results: A total of 200 responses were received, the majority of the participants were interns (131), Post graduates (79). The majority of participants – 48% agreed, 17% strongly agreed and 27% were undecided about the implementation of Augmented Reality (AR) in Prosthodontics.

Further, 41% agreed and 21% strongly agreed that AR would improve the quality of treatment provided while 47% agreed and 17% strongly agreed that errors in fabrication can be avoided. A vast majority 44.5% stated that AR can be used in Diagnosis, Treatment planning, Teaching and Prediction of Treatment Success.


Keywords: Augmented Reality, Tele-dentistry, Prosthodontics, Digital Dentistry, Virtual Reality, CAD CAM.

03. Original Study l J Orofacial Rehabilitation. 2022 Aug;2(2):20-27.

DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.6984859

Awareness, attitude and application of dental students and practitioners on shade matching of anterior teeth in central India.

Nikita R. Shoukhanda, Saumya Sharma, Sanjeev Singh, Gulab Chand Baid, Vivek Lath, Priyabrata Jena.


The aim of this awareness, attitude and application survey was to study the level of awareness among the dental students and practitioners in central India, towards shade selection of the anterior teeth. This research was performed in central India in September 2021. A survey was done among 280 participants, among whom questionnaire was handed out to fill accordingly. The outcome demonstrates that cosmetic considerations were the primary factor of anterior restorations. The majority of experts agree that light source is crucial to shade matching and selection since it might interfere with the process. The colour and look of teeth are a complicated phenomena influenced by several variables. Therefore, the dentist should consider every possible circumstance that might affect shade selection in order to get a desirable aesthetic result.

 Keywords: Shade matching, Shade selection, Aesthetic, Anterior teeth, Awareness, Attitude, Dental practice.

Review Article

04. Review Article l J Orofacial Rehabilitation. 2022 Aug;2(2):28-36.

DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.6986220

Esthetic Clasp Material: A Review.

Subhajit Sen, Saptarshi Mondal, Sruti Mukhopadhyay, Sourav Maji, Samiran Das.


The most economical and conservative treatment of partially edentulous condition is removable partial denture (RPD). Esthetics plays a salient function in determining the outcome of the prosthesis. The objective of accomplishing acceptable esthetics and preserving the inherent quality of a denture i.e., retention, stability, support and protecting the remaining teeth and underline tissue, is a challenging task. Display of the traditional clasp assemblies and framework made of different metals and alloys like base metal cobalt chromium alloy (Co–Cr), noble metal gold and its alloy, stainless steel, and titanium disrupts the esthetics, because its exhibition antagonizes with patient’s confidentiality about prosthesis. This review article describes the two non-metallic materials Acetal resin and PEEK as alternatives clasp materials.

Keywords: Esthetics, Removable Partial Denture, Acetal Resin, Polyetheretherketone, Esthetic Clasp

05. Review Article l J Orofacial Rehabilitation. 2022 Aug;2(2):37-44.

DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.6986618

Platelet-rich fibrin: Revolutionary boon to implant dentistry.

Arnab Pradhan, Sanjoy Karmakar, Saptarshi Mandal, Samiran Das, Soumadip Niyogi.


Graft materials are utilized as scaffolds in defective surgical areas. Although, introducing platelet-rich fibrin (PRF) has multiple advantages over bone graft materials. PRF is a self generated biomaterial. It consists of growth factors or GFs and cytokines. It coalesces the fibrin sealing properties and GFs. This gives a classic condition for tissue regeneration and healing of the wound. The significant advantage of PRF is utilizes as self generated blood without extraneous thrombin. So, there is no immunogenic reaction. This article portrays the advanced application of PRF in the implant dentistry.

 Keywords: Graft materials, PRF, Wound healing, Implant dentistry.

06. Review Article l J Orofacial Rehabilitation. 2022 Aug;2(2):45-49.

DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.6986784

An insight into temporo-mandibular joint evaluation using joint vibration analysis: A review.

Puja Dutta, Akhil S, Vijay Tomar, Rumana Rashid, Tapan Kumar Giri, Sugata Mukherjee.


The advent of Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) and Cone Beam Computed Tomography (CBCT)   have made the evaluation of the temporomandibular joint (TMJ) far more definitive than the previous X-ray technologies. However, there is a large gap between what can be accomplished diagnostically in a clinical practice setting compared to utilizing these sophisticated imaging technologies. While the history and clinical examination procedures reveal important information, too often they are inadequate to arrive at even a tentative diagnosis of TMJ status. JVA tool is helpful for diagnosing joint pathology or abnormality by detecting the vibration between the joint surfaces. It is useful for diagnosis and educating patients during treatment.

Keywords: Temporomandibular joint, Cone Beam Computed Tomography, Hertz, Electrovibratography, Joint Vibration Analysis.

07. Review Article l J Orofacial Rehabilitation. 2022 Aug;2(2):50-58.

DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.6986968

Graphene – a promising material in prosthodontics: A review.

Sruti Mukhopadhyay, Subhajit Sen, Jayanta Bhattacharyya, Samiran Das, Soumitra Ghosh, Soumadip Niyogi.


Dental materials are expected to be biocompatible, non-cytotoxic, with the ability to maintain a mutual interaction with the host and performs the proper functions. In 2004 Graphene, where carbon atoms of sp2 hybridisation are organised in a single layer, was invented by “Prof. Andre Geim and Prof. Konstantin Novoselov” in 2004. It possesses excellent physical and mechanical properties. The properties like excellent biocompatibility and antimicrobial nature and ability to function alone or combining with other biomaterials, offer various opportunities to be used in multiple clinical applications. The motto of this review article to put some light on the overall status in the development of graphene and its application, function, and future perspective.

Keywords: Graphene, graphene oxide, tissue engineering, titanium implants.

08. Review Article l J Orofacial Rehabilitation. 2022 Aug;2(2):59-64.

DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.6987118

Turning science fiction into reality using artificial intelligence: A boon to dentistry.

Rumana Rashid, Vijay Tomar, Akhil S, Puja Dutta, Tapan Kumar Giri, Sugata Mukherjee.


One of the areas of contemporary research that is quickly acquiring worldwide recognition as a result of digitalization is artificial intelligence (AI). Medical and dental field are also not left behind in this digitisation era. They are using AI to reduce the work load and to improve clinical diagnosis so that the clinician can provide better treatment planning and predict the prognosis of a disease.

AI is used in the field of dentistry and can be applied to all its specialities including prosthodontics. In prosthodontics they are helpful in designing the prosthesis, implant planning and placement and in fabrication of maxillofacial prostheses.

 Keywords: Artificial intelligence, dentistry, prosthodontics, maxillofacial appliances, implant.

09. Review Article l J Orofacial Rehabilitation. 2022 Aug;2(2):65-70.

DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.6987144

Factors affecting gagging and its management in prosthodontic patient: A review.

Supreet Kaur Chhabra, Sandeep Garg.


Gagging is a protective reflex to safeguard the upper respiratory tract and the digestive tract from foreign body obstruction. When this reflex becomes abnormally active, compromise in the quality of dental treatment is observed. The selection of effective management techniques depends on causes and factors affecting gagging. The article aims to review the nature, factors, neurophysiology, different treatment modalities of gagging so that clinicians include strategies and utilize flexible approaches in dealing with this gag reflex.

Keywords- Gagging, vomiting, acupressure.

Case Reports

10. Case Report l J Orofacial Rehabilitation. 2022 Aug;2(2):71-76.

DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.6987159

Management of mandibular compromised ridges: A case series.

Sruti Mukhopadhyay, Shreya Bandyopadhyay, Samiran Das.


Rehabilitation of compromised ridges is a challenging task for a clinician especially when the underlying denture bearing area is not conducive enough to perform its optimum function of retention, stability and support. This case series will give an insight on how to deal with compromised ridges by modifying few steps of our conventional impression making.

Key words – Compromised mandibular ridges, Flabby ridges, Knife-edge ridges, Neutral zone technique.

11. Case Report l J Orofacial Rehabilitation. 2022 Aug;2(2):77-81.

DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.6987184

Prosthodontic rehabilitation of an ocular defect: A case report.

Sonu Kumar, Manela Shill, Rajiv Kumar Gupta.


Physical defects which deform the functional activity and appearance that restrict a human-being to lead a normal life, usually attract that person to go under a procedure which can provide a normal life. The disorders involving eye and the orbit that needs surgical interventions that ultimately results in ocular defect, if immediate attention is given after the conservative surgery of the eye or the socket and the conformers are provided still the contractures are seen. The conformers are not given in maximum cases, which causes delayed reduction of space for fabricating ocular prosthesis. An ocular prosthesis is a exact duplication of human anatomical eye by the use of prosthetic materials to generate the illusion of exact healthy normal eye and peripheral tissues. That is why much focus is given to the precise duplication of contour, size and colour that can provide realistic and symmetrical eye to the patients.

Key words: Ocular Defect, Artificial Eye, Conformer, Ocular prosthesis.

12. Case Report l J Orofacial Rehabilitation. 2022 Aug;2(2):82-87.

DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.6987210

Complete denture fabrication using piezography technique for resorbed ridges:  A Case Report.

Piyali Bhattacharya.


The utility of a complete denture prosthesis is dependent on arrangement of the teeth. But the lack of denture bearing area in the mandibular ridge possess a challenge for the dentist especially in case of long time edentulousness where the alveolar ridge has resorbed significantly. Hence, tissue coverage for denture base is less in such cases. Fabrication of complete denture in the neutral zone technique provides stability and allows an individual to perform all the function of mastication, speech. The neutral zone is that area in the mouth where, during function, the forces of the tongue pressing outward are neutralized by the forces of the cheeks and lips pressing inward. This zone can be achieved by swallowing technique or by piezography technique. In piezography technique, an individual is trained to pronounce different phonemes. This produces pressure of the tongue and the cheek muscles and the neutral zone area is reproduced on a moldable material.

 Keywords: Piezography, residual ridge resorption, neutral zone, complete denture.

Review Article

13. Review Article l J Orofacial Rehabilitation. 2022 Aug;2(2):88-96.

DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.6989148

Adding extra dimension to digital dentistry: 4D printing.

Vijay Tomar, Rumana Rashid, Puja Dutta, Akhil S, Tapan Kumar Giri, Sugata Mukherjee.


3D printing also called additive manufacturing (AM) has rapidly evolved over the last few decades due to its various advantages over traditional fabrication methods. Recent advancement in 3D printing is 4D/four-dimensional printing. It includes fourth dimension i.e time. Basically, 4D printing adds time to the 3D printing and this addition provides reconfiguration to a printed object, that is, 4D printed structure will reconfigure itself to the pre-determined shape with time on exposure to various stimuli. It is a recent evolving technology, rapidly emerging in various fields like medical, engineering, automobile industry, chemistry, material science, basic sciences, computer science etc.[1] In Dentistry ,moving on from traditional fabrication methods to 3D printing and now to 4D printing would be a boon to various treatment procedures and so   to the   prognosis as well. The objective of 4D printing is to fabricate functional objects in contrast to 3D printing techniques which produce static objects. The main focus of this article is to review basic aspects of 4D printing technology and its application in dentistry.

 Keywords: 4D Printing, 3D printing, Digital dentistry, Smart materials.