Journal of Orofacial Rehabilitation

Year 2021 Vol 1 Issue 1

Editorial l J Orofacial Rehabilitation. 2021 Apr;1(1):6.

DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.8106131

Banerjee S

Review Articles

01. Review Article l J Orofacial Rehabilitation. 2021 Apr;1(1):7-14.

DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.5112770

 Tooth wear- Footprints of changing oral environment: Review on etiology, diagnosis and assessment.

Deb S, Biswas T, Mukherjee S, Dongre P


Tooth wear is a general term which denotes loss of tooth surface due to causes other than dental caries. Four most common etiological factors cited to initiate tooth wear are abrasion, attrition, erosion and abfraction.  These factors may cause wear alone or in combination with other factors. Congenital or developmental disorders like dentinogenesis and amelogenesis imperfecta are also associated with wear of teeth and considered as etiological factors. Due to this varied etiology, diagnosis and assessment of tooth wear is difficult. To prevent the continued process of active wear and to restore the already worn out dentition it’s crucial to know the causes of wear as well as how to assess and diagnose wear. In this review paper we have placed emphasis on classifying tooth wear based on etiology, diagnosing wear based on patient history, location, extent and clinical presentations along with other investigative tools like radiographs, diagnostic mounting of articulated casts, wax mock up, salivary analysis etc.

02.Review Article l J Orofacial Rehabilitation. 2021 Apr;1(1):15-23.

DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.5112972

Bio-hybrid implant, Next generation of bio-engineered implant – A review.

Adhya PS, Chakraborty S


The lack of periodontal ligament (PDL) support in the implant bone junction is a matter of concern for implant treatment. The direct contact between bone to implant transmit forces directly to bone and reduces its functional efficiency. Several modifications in implant design and implant surface have been tried and tested. Recently bio-engineering and regenerative dentistry has thrown new lights in the modification of dental implant and to eliminate these drawbacks. Stem cell incorporated bio engineered implant also known as bio- hybrid implant has the potential to generate PDL and nerve cells along the implant bone junction. Pluripotent cells present on the bio-hybrid implant surface also have the ability of bone remodeling, wound healing and neuro transmission. This review article highlights recent status in the development of bio-hybrid implants along with its function and advantages.

03. Review Article l J Orofacial Rehabilitation. 2021 Apr;1(1):24-30.

DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.5112998

Functionally graded materials –An overview

Sruthi SS, Mohan Kumar T


Modern dentistry aims in restoring the patient to normal form, function and aesthetics with minimal intervention. Dental implants are one of the minimal invasive treatment options for restoring the missing dentition. Titanium has emerged as an implant biomaterial by satisfying all but one criterion for success, which is its stiffness value which is far greater than bone. This mismatch can lead to stress shielding and eventually implant failure. There is a huge development in the implant biomaterials since decades, but an implant with single composition cannot meet all the requirements in the oral cavity. So, the implants should be functionally graded i.e., composed based on function to achieve optimum results. Through this review, we would like to summarize the functionally graded materials, their manufacturing techniques and their use as implant materials

04. Review Article l J Orofacial Rehabilitation. 2021 Apr;1(1):42-44.

DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.5113099

Geriatric psychology amidst edentulism: A review.

Rawat P, Sharma A, Srishti, Saxena A,  Sharma A


Old age is characterized by certain physical and psychological changes, and the effect of these changes on the individual determines, to a large extent, whether they will make good or poor personal and social adjustments. One of such changes is partial or complete edentulism. Edentulism is not just a physical change but it can also affect a person at psychological level and that is why, as oral health practioners, it is our responsibility to modify our attitude and reactions while dealing with such patients. This article discusses about the change in mindset of an individual in old age with edentulism and also how it affects their behavior and response towards the dental treatment.

05. Review Article l Orofacial Rehabilitation. 2021 Apr;1(1):45-54.

DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.5113137

Salivary pacemakers – Revealing the incognito.

Roy R


The treatment of xerostomia has been a challenge for the medical and dental practitioners over the ages. The present treatment modalities have not been able to provide satisfactory results for a long-term period. The invention of SALIVARY PACEMAKERS is a problem-solving boon. The salivary pacemakers and their current advancements have improved the prognosis of xerostomia. Recently, the third-generation pacemakers (dental implant based salivary pacemakers) have been able to provide a single fold treatment option for both edentulism and xerostomia. This review provides an insight into etiology of xerostomia and focuses on the treatment of the same via salivary pacemakers.

Case Reports

06. Case Report l J Orofacial Rehabilitation. 2021 Apr;1(1):55-61.

DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.5113169

Atypical heterotopic facial pain felt as a tooth ache? – A case report.

Parasrampuria N


Vascular pain can be a very debilitating pain condition for many patients. Migraine is such a in a kind for neurovascular origin which is the most commonly found. However neurovascular variants are pain disorders with the same origin but may present with atypical clinical characteristics, the main difference being that of the location. When this pain is reported near on in the teeth, it presents a particular problem for the dentist. A thorough history and clinical examination is very important and crucial to reach a definitive diagnosis. The following paper presents a case report of a 21-year-old female. who reported with an atypical heterotopic facial pain felt as a tooth ache?

07. Case Report l J Orofacial Rehabilitation. 2021 Apr;1(1):62-66.

DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.5113182

Aesthetic rehabilitation of a partially amputated finger – A case report

Arora A, Dasgupta D


 Partial or complete loss of a digit has an emotional, psychological, functional and financial burden on the patient. High expectations of the patient to receive an aesthetic, life -like prosthesis makes it a challenging task. This clinical report portrays a simple method of fabricating a silicone prosthesis for a partially amputated digit. Retention is achieved by scoring the master cast which creates a vacuum to snuggly fit the silicone over the skin tissues.

08. Case Report l J Orofacial Rehabilitation. 2021 Apr;1(1):67-71.

DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.5113204

Esthetic restoration of dental fluorosis with ceramic veneers: A case report

RoyChowdhury A, Debnath A


Intrinsic tooth discoloration due to dental fluorosis is a challenging situation which demands prompt and durable treatment plan along with restoration of anterior esthetics. Porcelain dental veneers, previously called as ‘The Hollywood Smile’ was first developed by Californian dental surgeon, Pincus in 1928. It gained profound popularity in the aesthetic field of dentistry since then. The longevity of dental veneers depends on the case selection, material used and habits of the patient. A 21-year-old male patient reported with chief complaint of stained teeth and was diagnosed with severe grade dental fluorosis. Due to the effect of fluoride, teeth were not fully formed in desired shape. The focus was mainly conserving the remaining unaffected enamel and utilizing the mineralised surface of the enamel with a restoration which would provide a micromechanical bond with both the tooth surface and the restoration. Porcelain laminate veneers ranging in thickness between 0.5-1 mm provided the best treatment option along with provision of translucency, opalescence and reflectance quality close to that of natural teeth. The outcome of the treatment had achieved the desired qualities instilling self-confidence and imparting a better quality of life to the patient.

9. Case Report l J Orofacial Rehabilitation. 2021 Apr;1(1):72-77.

DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.5113241

Direct sinus lift and immediate implant placement for prosthodontic rehabilitation of posterior maxillary edentulous area: A case report.

Swarnakar A, Swarnakar A, Sethi S


One of the most challenging tasks in implant dentistry is placing an implant in the maxillary posterior edentulous region because of the unfavourable conditions like poor quality and scar quantity of bone. Bone remodelling in the region is further complicated by post extraction bone resorption, pneumatzation of maxillary. To manage and treat these local physiological and anatomic limitations, maxillary sinus floor elevation has become an important preplacement procedure in dental implant treatment planning. This scientific case report presents a clinical case where a Direct Sinus Lift was carried out with placement of autogenous graft and immediate implant placement was done.

10. Case Report l J Orofacial Rehabilitation. 2021 Apr;1(1):78-82.

DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.5113888

A combination of ovate pontic and platelet rich fibrin: A boon for creation of lost gingival contour in maxillary anterior region- A case report.

Saha S, Taraphdar S, Karmakar A


Most common complications after extraction of single tooth is the soft tissue change specially in anterior region results in an unesthetic appearance. In today’s world, preservation of soft tissue and gingival aesthetics has been gaining immense importance. Ovate pontic helps in maintenance of interproximal soft tissue and also preservation of the interdental papilla, which in turn preserves the natural gingival contour after extraction. The ovate pontic creates an illusion that the pontic is emerging from the gingiva. Alveolar ridge deficiency is considered a major esthetic limitation, especially in the maxillary anterior region. Several approaches have been developed to enhance and increase soft tissue volume. Among those approaches are connective tissue grafts, platelet rich fibrin (PRF) membrane. This case report discusses about how a combined approach of the use of PRF along with ovate designed provisional restoration significantly changes the esthetic appearance of the patient.

11. Case Report l J Orofacial Rehabilitation. 2021 Apr;1(1):83-88.

DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.5113908

Artistic and functional approach to rejuvenate the acquired ocular imperfections – A case report.

Chokhani D, Joteppa V, Patane D


Facial features are the most important non-verbal means of communication. The mutilation of a portion of the face can cause a heavy impact on the self-image and personality of an individual which may lead to physical and psychological distress. The loss of eye requires early rehabilitation so that the patient may return to a normal life. The primary objective, in each case, is to construct a prosthesis that will restore the defect, improve esthetics, and thereby benefit the morale of the patient. With the evolution of maxillofacial rehabilitation, ocular prosthesis has proved to be a boon. An ocular prosthesis replicates anatomy of human eye utilizing prosthetic materials to imitate healthy eye and surrounding tissue. Therefore, it is rightly said, “maxillofacial rehabilitation adds life to years”. The present case report enlightens the technique of fabrication, aesthetics achieved, and functionality of ocular prosthesis.

12. Case Report l J Orofacial Rehabilitation. 2021 Apr;1(1):89-93.

DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.5113911

Prosthodontic management of maxillary flabby & mandibular resorbed ridges: A case report.

Singh K, Agarwal S, Pandey S, Javed B


Flabby ridges as well as resorbed residual ridges compromise the support, retention and stability of complete denture. Masticatory forces can displace this mobile denture-bearing tissue, leading to altered denture positioning and loss of peripheral seal whereas stability of lower denture in resorbed cases is usually the distinguishing factor between success and failure. When proper technique is not applied to record these compromised ridges patient often complains of discomfort and loose dentures in such a situation. Conventional prosthodontics require specialized impression techniques for management of these ridges. The present case report illustrates two-part impression techniques for management of flabby ridges for maxillary and cocktail impression technique for resorbed mandibular arches.

13. Case Report l J Orofacial Rehabilitation. 2021 Apr;1(1):94-96.

DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.5113931

Easy duplication of patient’s rugae pattern.

Gupt P, Rometra V, Abrol S


Smooth palatal surface of maxillary denture lacks in dexterity of speech and gives patient an unnatural feeling of slimy polished surface. Prosthesis must be such that it has texture and anatomy of the natural mucosa. This article presents an inexpensive, effortless and time saving technique to replicate patients own rugae.

14. Case Report l J Orofacial Rehabilitation. 2021 Apr;1(1):97-101.

DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.5114126

Restoring lost smile with immediately placed implant – A case report.

Kapoor Y, Ahmed T


The loss of tooth in the esthetic area is one of the most traumatic experience for the patient. This case report describes a case of fractured upper front tooth, which was extracted and replaced by immediate placement of a dental implant in the prepared socket and loading the same immediately. The tooth was extracted with minimal damage to hard and soft tissue and without flap reflection. The socket was prepared to the desired depth and a dental implant was inserted. An impression was made one week following the surgery, and a definitive restoration was placed. The patient exhibited no clinical or radiologic complications through one year of clinical monitoring after loading. The atraumatic operating technique and the immediate insertion of the implant resulted in the preservation of the hard and soft tissues at the extraction site, while maintaining the function.

15. Case Report l J Orofacial Rehabilitation. 2021 Apr;1(1):102-105.

DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.5114145

Prosthodontic management of oromaxillary defect : A case report.

Javed B, Agarwal S, Nayak D, Singh K


Congenital or aquaired defect of the palate resulting in communication between oral cavity and nose/or maxillary sinus requires management which presents challenge to the clinician. An obturator is a maxillofacial prosthesis used to close a congenital or acquired tissue opening, primarily of the hard palate and/or contiguous alveolar/soft tissue structures. It must be comfortable, esthetically acceptable, easy to fabricate, and lightweight, and must restore functions such as mastication, deglutition, and speech. This case report describes the fabrication of closed hollow bulb obturator restoring the patient’s original dentition and facial and palatal form.