Journal of Orofacial Rehabilitation

Year 2023 Vol 3 Issue 1


1. Impact of magnetic resonance imaging on prosthodontic materials.2023 Apr;3(1):1.

DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.7834213

Arka Swarnakar.

Guest Editorial

2. Artificial Intelligence and the future of Prosthodontics.2023 Apr;3(1):2.

DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.7834218

Swatantra Agarwal.

Original Research

3. Original Research l J Orofacial Rehabilitation. 2023 Apr;3(1):3-10.

DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.7834067

A comparative study to evaluate the shear bond strength of two commercially available intraoral ceramic repair systems with Ni-Cr base metal alloy- An in vitro study.

Shashank Parmar, Sanjay Kumar Sharma, Utkarsh Gupta, Ankita Shrivastava, Vaishali Shrivastava, Shraddha Varshney.


Background: Metal ceramics, are normally used materials nowadays in Prosthodontics. These materials are used to fabricate dental prostheses which replace missing or damaged dental structures. This existing research was undertaken to differentiate and appraise the shear bond strength of two commonly obtainable intraoral repair systems for dental ceramics.

Materials and procedures: Overall 52 specimens were incorporated into this research and were split into groups, each group comprising 26 samples.

Group A – Contains Ceramic repair N system (Ivoclar, Vivadent), Group B –Contains Clearfil repair system (Kuraray, Japan). A total of 52 discs were prepared by using base metal alloy i.e. (Ni-Cr). The dimension of each disc is 20 mm in diameter and thickness was 1.5 mm, for evenness of base metal thickness of 1.5 mm and 2mm thickness of the repair system, the wax pattern was concocted. Universal testing machine was incorporated into this research to access the bond (shear) strength of these materials. The data was collected and inspected by using Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) 21.0 version software application.

Result: Mean value of samples for shear bond strength in group (A) was 14.44 MPa whereas for group (B) was 17.006 MPa. Despite the fact differentiating the value (mean) of shear bond strength between these groups, remarkable results were obtained.

Conclusion: This study concluded that the bond potency of the Clearfil repair system is more than Ceramic repair N system.

Keywords- Bond strength, Ceramic repair systems, Dental materials, Universal testing machine.

Review Articles

4. Review Article l J Orofacial Rehabilitation. 2023 Apr;3(1):11-21.

DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.7834083

Systematic review of the prevalence, frequency and location of denture associated lesions and post insertion adjustments in complete denture patients.

I.A.Ayisha Talat, Dilip Kumar.M, Vidyashree Nandini V, Manjula G.


Purpose: To locate most common areas of ulcerations due to complete denture, how frequently they occur and how many times patients visit for adjustments after insertion of complete denture.

Data Sources: PubMed, Google scholar, Google.

Study Selection: The database identified 4928 publications during the electronic search. Titles and abstracts were screened completely for including in the systematic review. A total of 20 publications were judged to be relevant by the title and abstract and were analysed by reading full texts. Following this review, an additional 3 articles were excluded, as they were review articles. Thus, 17 articles were appropriate and met the inclusion criteria, thus included for the review and complete text was analysed.

Data Extraction: The final 17 articles were thoroughly read and intended data was extracted from the results of each study done and were carefully segregated and complied in a self-designed format. The overall data was analysed and mean deviation was derived to conclude the review and establish the results.

Results: It was identified that there was no significant difference found between denture associated lesions among females and males. The most prevalent lesion was denture stomatitis with 47.46%, commonly located in crest of ridge of maxilla and in alveolo-lingual sulcus and crest of ridge of mandible. Moreover, the extent of adjustments required for dentures were higher in mandibular than maxillary dentures in every post insertion revisits.

Conclusion: Denture wearers must be educated about the maintenance of the dentures and good oral hygiene. Periodic reviews should be done to avert or minimize the oral ulcerations and improve the quality of dentures. By appropriate planning of treatment, making of good impressions, support from laboratory and educating the patients, the number of post insertion revisits and discomfort can be minimized, thereby making the removable complete denture a successful treatment modality.

Keywords– Complete denture, Denture stomatitis, Post insertion adjustment.

5. Review Article l J Orofacial Rehabilitation. 2023 Apr;3(1):22-32.

DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.7834087

Occlusion consideration for the implant supported prosthesis: A review.

Akash Raj Sharma, Pragati Rawat, Utkarsh Gupta, Sidhartha Tomar, Manjulika Tyagi, Kanchan Shukla.


Purpose: The implant is the next dentition after the permanent dentition in humans. For the success of the implants, various points of consideration should be taken. One of them is implant-protected occlusion (IPO). IPO and mutually protection among implants and tooth such occlusion is important for longevity of the implant. Certain components of IPO need to be taken into consideration. No interference or premature occlusal contacts; time of occlusal contacts; area effect; mutually protected joint; implant body’s occlusal loading angle Crown-tip angle, cantilever or offset distance, crown height, vertical offset, occlusal contact positions, and implant crown form are all illustrations of dental design specifications. Safeguard the weakest point and occlusal material.

Data Sources:  A systematic search was done on two electronic databases- PubMed, Cochrane, Google Scholar with a publication year limit ranging until 2022.

Study Selection: studies selected for the purpose of the article were the review article written by various authors involving the implants and the prosthesis associated with the implants.

Results: The occlusion for a single tooth, overdenture, fixed implant-supported complete prosthesis, and a removable partial denture is being critically evaluated for the success of the prosthetic rehabilitation.

Keywords– Fixed partial dentures, Implant protected occlusion, Overdentures, Removable partial denture, Titanium.

6. Review Article l J Orofacial Rehabilitation. 2023 Apr;3(1):33-42.

DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.78341107

Applications of robotics in dentistry and medicine – A review.

Aishani Baksi, Rupanjan Roy.


Purpose: The present review paper deals with the various and vast applications of robots and the discipline of robotics, by highlighting the variations in the design and configuration of robots and focusing a glimpse on the molecular level systems.

Data Sources: The electronic databases (PubMed),, EBSCO (dentistry and open science access), Scopus, Web of Sciences, Cochrane database were searched to retrieve all data related to Nanotechnology and Dentistry and Medicine.

Study Selection: The grey literature (Google scholar) was searched on 18th September 2021 and updated till 15th October 2022. The following keywords were utilized for data collection: “Nanotechnology OR “[All Fields] AND “DENTISTRY” [All Fields]. The search was complemented by hand-searching of the reference lists of included articles and performing a citation search for any additional reviews. Articles written only English were included.

Data extraction: All invitro, and in vivo studies including observational studies (cohort, case-control, cross-sectional), experimental and randomized and non-randomized analytical studies in humans or animals, letters to the editor or case series (with any patient-related information or data), case reports, literature reviews, editorials, book reviews were reviewed. The results of the searches run on the above-mentioned databases were compiled in the Mendeley reference manager (version 1.19.4) and duplicates were removed. Two members of the team (A.B, R.R) independently screened the articles to exclude those that do not meet the eligibility criteria.  

 Results: With the advent of technology, the new era has witnessed an amalgamation of nano-robotic devices and the macro-world. There might be an existence of subtle scale differences in the working algorithm of nano & micro robots, but many similarities exist between the design, software, and working principle of these two robotic systems.

Conclusion: This review paper gives a projection of the two main types of robotic algorithms and the same is illustrated with relevant examples. The applications of nano-robotic systems are vast and widespread. The literature review shows only a few papers discussing the configuration of these nano-robots and listing the same applications in medicine and dentistry. Hence, this paper focuses on the applications in medicine and dentistry.

Keywords: Dentistry, Medicine, Nanorobotics, Micro robotics.

7. Review Article l J Orofacial Rehabilitation. 2023 Apr;3(1):43-51.

DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.7834136

Understanding implant esthetics: Where function meets looks.

Sujata Pandey, Swatantra Agarwal, Ariba Obeidy, Sukanya Das.


Purpose: The aim of this article is to comprehend the numerous factors that can influence aesthetics of an implant prosthesis.

Study selection: The data has been sourced from various books and articles about implant aesthetics.

Results: It can be seen that modern implant dentistry prioritises aesthetics, which is connected to a natural-looking, harmonious smile, in addition to function, speech, and health. Nowadays, emphasis has shifted to creating a cosmetic rehabilitation that camouflages with the existing tooth structure and has strong, long-lasting surrounding tissues throughout time. The dentist must consider a variety of elements that affect the final appearance prior to implant placement.  Aesthetic parameters of the future prosthetic restoration should be planned and assessed. The use of modern digital technologies, virtual planning of implant positioning, and design projection of future prosthetic restoration can improve the aesthetic outcome.

Conclusion: Aesthetic pleasure promotes patient confidence and self-esteem and hence the secret to a satisfied happy patient is a systematic effort involving implant placement, soft tissue care, and the rehabilitation by a prosthesis.

Keywords– Cone Beam Computed Tomography, Diagnostic imaging, Guided tissue regeneration, Implant, Implant esthetics.

8. Review Article l J Orofacial Rehabilitation. 2023 Apr;3(1):52-56.

DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.7834141

Achieving precision with artificial intelligence – A review.

Awani Gupta, Manela Shill, Aastha Gupta.


Purpose: The purpose of this literature review is to present a composite framework of various literatures on Artificial intelligence readily accessible in the area of dentistry.

Data sources: Searches were conducted in PubMed, Embase, Springer, Elsevier, Google scholar and the Cochrane Library for articles without regard to language or publication date. Search terms included Prosthetic dentistry, Artificial intelligence, Implantology, maxillofacial, Diagnosis and innovation. To find further studies, experts in the field of artificial intelligence were also approached.

Study selection: The authors evaluated the various studies done on artificial intelligence in dentistry. The concept and application of artificial intelligence in dentistry was also identified and selected from the previous studies. The studies not fulfilling the purpose of the study were excluded.

Data extraction: Data extraction, study selection, and citation identification were all done independently. The disagreement was settled through consensus.

Results: All studies reported pronounced data for the dental applications of artificial intelligence.

Conclusion: The present literature review summarizes that the Artificial intelligence has significantly changed both medicine and dentistry. Still more studies have to be done to get more precision in the work.

 Keywords: Artificial intelligence, Diagnosis and Innovation, Implantology, Maxillofacial, Prosthetic dentistry.

9. Review Article l J Orofacial Rehabilitation. 2023 Apr;3(1):57-63.

DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.7834158

Contribution of prosthodontics in forensic sciences- A review.

Supreet Kaur Chhabra, Gautami Pal.


Purpose– This article aims to highlight the various prosthodontic applications and their contributions in the field of forensic dental sciences.

Data Sources– PubMed, ResearchGate, Google scholar, and Google

Study selection- The database identified many publications during this electronic search. Titles and abstracts of the found publications were studied. A total of thirty-nine publications were judged to be relevant by the title and abstract. Their full text was read and analysed. All these articles had the most appropriate data, thus were included for this review article and conclusion was established.

Data extraction- After extracting the intended data from the results of each study done. They were carefully segregated and complied in a self-designed format. The overall data was analysed to conclude the review and establish the results.

Results- Appreciation of the forensic field gives the dental practitioner another reason to maintain legible and legally acceptable record and assist legal authorities in the identification of victims and suspects. Role of the forensic odontologists is to recognize the abuse, reassure the victim about confidentiality and report to the proper agency.

Conclusion- The prosthodontist must understand about the implications of forensic odontology. The knowledge about the forensics helps him/her to assist the legal authorities for identification of victims and suspects. Though this is not a recent concept but still more studies should be performed to explore this field of forensic odontology.

Key words: Bite mark analysis, Cheiloscopy, Forensic odontology, Rugoscopy.

Case Reports

10. Case Report l J Orofacial Rehabilitation. 2023 Apr;3(1):64-68.

DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.7834172

Decision making in the fabrication of mandibular guide flange prosthesis: A case series.

Sourav Maji, Rahul Paul, Shubhabrata Roy.


Introduction: Post-cancer ablative surgery often results in a gross imbalance in the anatomic structure, thereby impairing occlusion and other vital functions of life. The remaining mandible after surgery shifts to the medial and superior direction, causing impaired functions. “Guide flange prosthesis’ is an appliance, which is indicated in such a situation to reduce the clinical appearance.

Case Presentation: This paper describes a case series of 3 cases, where patients with different clinical presentations were treated with different mandibular guide flange prosthesis design.

Discussion: The degree of mandibular movement impairment depends on factors like the location and extent of the defect, amount of soft tissue defect, the neural tissues involved, and the presence of natural teeth. The mandibular guide flange prosthesis acts as interference in patient habitual movement post-surgery and redirects the mandible to acceptable occlusion. Hence suitable design of mandibular guide flange prosthesis must be selected for optimum outcome.

Keywords: Hemi-mandibulectomy, Mandibular guide flange prosthesis, Mandibular guidance therapy rehabilitation.

11. Case Report l J Orofacial Rehabilitation. 2023 Apr;3(1):69-75.

DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.7834184

Review and relevance of the allergic potential of methyl methacrylate – A case report.

Reena Mittal, Sanjoy Dutta, Suzane Laishram.


Purpose: The purpose of this article is to provide perspective regarding allergy to acrylates in dental personnel.

Materials and methodology: All data were collected from Pubmed, and Google Scholar.

Results- Based on the data collected it was found that methyl methacrylate has high allergic potential.

Conclusion: Methyl methacrylate causes type IV delayed hypersensitivity reaction and its use have been increased worldwide including dentistry, paint industry, artificial nails and variety of sealant. Allergy to methacrylate in dentistry is a prime concern. Use of barrier protection and protective measures should be employed by dental staff which might be challenging at times.

Keywords: Allergic contact dermatitis, Contact Dermatitis, Delayed hypersensitivity, Methyl Methacrylate.

12. Case Report l J Orofacial Rehabilitation. 2023 Apr;3(1):76-81.

DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.7834190

Management of resorbed mandibular ridge resorption using the neutral zone technique – A case series.

Akanksha Kumar, PV Karthik, Vasundhra Bhati.


Purpose: The effect of use of neutral zone technique for fabrication of mandibular dentures in patients with severely resorbed ridges.

Study selection: Studies on use of neutral zone technique in patients with atrophic mandibular ridges.

Results: The cases described in this article showed that dentures fabricated in neutral zone for patients with severely resorbed mandibular ridges have better adaptability, stability and patient satisfaction.

Conclusion: The Neutral zone is an effective technique for achieving denture stability and adaptability in severely resorbed ridges.

Keywords: Complete denture prosthesis, Loss of vertical dimension, Neutral zone, Residual ridge resorption.