Journal of Orofacial Rehabilitation

Volume 1 Issue 2

01. Editorial l J Orofacial Rehabilitation. 2021 Aug;1(2):5.

Banerjee S

Review Articles

02. Review Article l J Orofacial Rehabilitation. 2021 Aug;1(2):6-20.

DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.5202831

Incorporation of third dimension with video dynamics in digital smile analysis & designing: A review article.

Debnath A, Mallick B, Roy Chowdhury A.


Smile designing is one of the most challenging at the same time rewarding treatment concepts of esthetic dentistry. From drawing lines on two dimensional photographs to evolution of smile design software and CAD-CAM technology, this concept has come a long way in realizing that perfect smile. Digital smile design protocol takes into account hard and soft tissue perception from a three dimensional aspect by utilizing videography. Consecutively this data is uploaded to the smile design software. This data along with photographs of face and oral tissues obtained from different angles helps in conceptualizing a realistic smile development protocol in conformity with the patient’s facial form, age, gender and personality. This not only helps the patient to visualize the final results but also helps smooth communication between clinician and laboratory technician. Documentation of the entire process also helps in future referencing. In this review article, an attempt has been made to introduce the concept of digital smile designing, various steps that are followed during digital smile formulations and its implications in improving patient-clinician-technician communication to achieve predictable and superior esthetic outcome.

 Keyword: Digital smile, smile designing, digital ruler, visagism, vitruvian third

03. Review Article l J Orofacial Rehabilitation. 2021 Aug;1(2):21-27.

DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.5202837

A newer approach in treating gummy smile- botulinum toxin: A review.

 Nair AS, Garain S, Sen UK, Maji AK, Das SL, Pahari S.


Esthetics being a pillar of prosthodontics, it mandates the clinician to achieve a harmonious relationship of form and function along with esthetics of the patient. Excessive gingival display or the so called ‘gummy smile’ is frequently observed problem in day–to-day practice with patient willing to undergo a treatment that is less invasive yielding prompt results. One such method is the injection of botulinum toxin that can be used both as the sole treatment option and serves as an adjunct too. There are multiple studies done in the field of cosmetology showing the success of treatment with botulinum toxin. This article provides the details of mechanism of action of botulinum toxin, formulation of botulinum toxin and injection sites for treating excessive gingival display in a simple way so as to provide with a basic knowledge of the treatment procedure. Articles were searched through MEDLINE database and Google Scholar search engine. The keywords ‘gummy smile’, ‘excessive gingival display’, ‘botulinum toxin’, ‘botox’,‘botox in dentistry’, ‘botox in gummy smile’ and  ‘botulinum toxin in gummy smile’ were searched.

Keyword: Botulinum toxin, botox, excessive gingival display, gummy smile.

04. Review Article l J Orofacial Rehabilitation. 2021 Aug;1(2):28-32.

DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.5205287

Robocasting and its resonance with dentistry: A review.

Rajan K, Roy Choudhury I


Advancements in the fields of computers and imaging over the last decade, have led to the introduction of generative manufacturing technique also known as Rapid prototyping technique or Additive manufacturing technique such as Robocasting. Additive manufacturing technologies offer a number of advantages over the subtractive technologies: Firstly, the objects with complex geometry can be produced, without need of any complex machinery setup thus reducing cost; Secondly, the method of production is easy and relatively quick. Lastly, the objects can be made of the same or different materials. 3-D printers are becoming more affordable in terms of the cost of running, materials, maintenance, and the need for skilled operators. This article will help us understand the role of robocasting in dental restoration production and how it can evolve to overcome the challenges associated with the production of such restorations

Keyword: Additive manufacturing, robotic material extrusion, 3-D printing, ceramics.

05. Review Article l J Orofacial Rehabilitation. 2021 Aug;1(2):33-43.

DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.5205291

Impact of covid-19 in prosthodontic practice: A review.

Mukhopadhyay N, Mondal S, Das SL, Maji AK.


The Covid-19 pandemic has brought about significant changes in the lifestyle of mankind. Dental professionals who are at the highest risk to encounter the virus should be careful to contain the spread of infection. Prosthodontics is a speciality of dentistry which deals with services aimed at oral prosthetic rehabilitation to patients, especially the geriatric age group. Prosthetic rehabilitation can be provided through Complete Denture Prosthesis, Removable Dental Prosthesis, Overdentures, Crown and Bridge, Implants and Maxillofacial Prosthesis. Most of these prosthodontic treatments require multiple visits by the patients resulting in more chances of exposure to the virus. Fabrication of all of these prosthesis involves contact with oral fluids such as saliva and aerosol which can be possible sources for spread of infection.Unlike other routine dental procedures, one very crucial aspect in prosthodontic practice is lab service. Lab work involves multiple people in a chain like the doctor, assistant, lab supervisor, laboratory technician. More human in chain increases probability of possible contamination. In this article guidelines for handling different prosthodontic procedures, sterilization and disinfection procedures are discussed

Keyword: Coronavirus, SARS-CoV-2, Dental Laboratory, Disinfection, Pandemic, Sterilization.

06. Review Article l J Orofacial Rehabilitation. 2021 Aug;1(2):44-53.

DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.5205329

CBCT evaluation of maxillary sinus prior to dental implant placement: A review.

Deb D,  Sinha R, Sarkar S, Sen S, Maity S, Jha H.


Dental implants are widely used now a days for the rehabilitation of edentulous spaces in patients. Diagnostic images of the surgical site are a must essential for preoperative planning, intra-operative assessment, and postoperative evaluation. Considering the pros and cons, Cone-Beam Computed Tomography (CBCT) seems to be the better choice for qualitative and quantitative analysis of the surgical site prior to implant placement and post operative evaluation. CBCT software helps to visualize the ideal dimension, position and orientation of an implant. This article briefly describes the importance of CBCT for implants placement and explains how to evaluate the maxillary sinus as a parameter before placement of a dental implant.

Keyword: CBCT, implant, maxillary sinus, ideal dimension, bone quality

07. Review Article l J Orofacial Rehabilitation. 2021 Aug;1(2):54-63.

DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.5205343

Application of cone beam computerized tomography in prosthodontics

Duryodhan S


Cone beam computed tomography (CBCT, also known as C-arm computed tomography [CT], cone beam volume CT, or flat panel CT) is a type of X-ray computed tomography in which the X-rays are divergent and form a cone. Hard tissues of the maxillofacial region can be imaged using CBCT systems. With short scanning times (10–70s) and radiation doses reportedly up to 15–100 times lower than conventional CT scans, CBCT can produce images with sub-millimeter resolution and high diagnostic quality. As this technology becomes more widely available, dental clinicians will have access to an imaging modality that can provide a three-dimensional representation of the maxillofacial skeleton with minimal distortion. CBCT is a unique imaging option for a prosthodontist’s various treatment needs. It can be useful in a variety of situations in prosthodontics, including imaging of the temporomandibular joint for accurate movement simulation and denture therapy. CBCT could play an important role in reduction of pressing routine of the clinician. Therefore, the aim of this article is to specify the applications of CBCT in the field of prosthodontics along with the advantages of CBCT.

Keywords: Cone beam computed tomography, prosthodontics, x-ray, implant dentistry

08. Review Article l J Orofacial Rehabilitation. 2021 Aug;1(2):64-73.

DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.5205349

Importance of CBCT as a diagnostic tool for evaluating the position of inferior alveolar canal during dental implant placement: A systemic review.

Datta M, Sinha R, Sarkar S, Sen S, Maity S, Jha H.


Dental implants are most acceptable tool used for the prosthetic rehabilitation of edentulous areas. Diagnostic images of surgical site is necessary for pre-operative treatment planning, intra-operative work assessment, and postoperative treatment evaluation. At present, cone-beam computed tomography (CBCT) is the best imaging modality for qualitative and quantitative analysis of the surgical site for implant placement. It allows proper planning and subsequent post-operative evaluation with sub-millimetric accuracy in implant placement of lower jaw considering the position of inferior alveolar nerve canal. CBCT software enables simulation of implant placement to choose the ideal dimension, position and orientation by evaluating bone quality and position of inferior alveolar nerve canal with different anatomical type and variety. This article describes why CBCT is crucial for pre-surgical assessment dental implants following position of inferior alveolar nerve canal in mandibular area.

Keyword: Inferior alveolar nerve canal, CBCT, implant safe zone, post-surgical assessment.

09. Review Article l J Orofacial Rehabilitation. 2021 Aug;1(2):74-82.

DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.5205375

Digital impression – A Review.

Devikaa TC, Kumari P, Omar S, Jaiswal H.


Dentistry has witnessed tremendous advancements in all its branches and newer devices have been continuously introduced in the practice. Digital impressions by intraoral scanning (IOS) have become an increasingly popular alternative to conventional impressions. They provide a 3D visualization of entire dentition in high resolution and creating record of hard and soft tissue to monitor oral diseases and condition. Impressions using scanners are more accurate, time efficient, decrease the patient’s discomfort and make clinical procedures easier as compared to conventional technique. Intraoral scanning is regularly used by dentists and laboratories to design and fabricate esthetic and durable restorations while retaining maximum tooth structure, its use among dental infancy.  CAD/CAM images can be used as a visual aid to improve self-care by demonstrating the health of a patient’s oral cavity. A literature search was done to extract the studies on the advantages of digital impression over conventional impression, limitations of digital impression and recent advancements in intraoral scanners. After exclusion and inclusion criteria 30 articles were included for this narrative review. This article is a review of digital impression techniques over conventional impression techniques with different types of scanner and its key features.

Keyword: Digital, digital impression, conventional impression, scanner, virtual

10. Review Article l J Orofacial Rehabilitation. 2021 Aug;1(2):83-92.

DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.5205386

Prosthetic rehabilitation of ectodermal dysplasia: A review article.

Sarkar S, Saha S, Giri TK, Mukherjee S, Ghosh R.


Ectodermal dysplasia (ED) is a congenital syndrome characterized by developmental failure of two or more ectodermal structures and their accessory appendages. ED is commonly a difficult condition to manage with prosthodontics because of the typical oral deficiencies and because the afflicted individuals are quite young when they are evaluated for treatment. It is important that these individuals receive dental treatment at an early age for physiologic and psychosocial reasons. Patient with this disease often need a multidisciplinary approach to treatment planning and dental treatment to regain appropriate function, esthetics, and comfort. The definitive treatment plan may include removable, fixed, or implant-supported prosthesis or a combination of these options. This article reviews the literature that pertains to the prosthodontic treatment of the ED and the review includes considerations in patient management and timing of treatment.

Keyword: Ectodermal dysplasia, implants, hypodontia, removable prosthesis, rehabilitation

11. Review Article l J Orofacial Rehabilitation. 2021 Aug;1(2):93-109.

DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.5205395

Retentive aids and a comparison between conventional and digital workflow in maxillofacial prosthodontics: A review.

Duryodhan S


A maxillofacial prosthesis, an alternative to surgery for the rehabilitation of patients with facial disabilities, are meant to replace parts of the face or missing areas of bone and soft tissue and restore oral functions such as swallowing, speech and chewing, with the main goal being to improve the quality of life of the patients. One of the most important factors that determines the success of a maxillofacial prosthesis is retention. Retention has always been a problem in prosthodontics. Increased retention improves comfort as well as the confidence in the patient while wearing a facial prosthesis at work and in social settings. The journey from using metal bands to using adhesives to placing implants for retaining maxillofacial prosthesis has been fascinating and satisfying to many clinicians. The conventional procedures for maxillofacial prosthesis manufacturing involve several complex steps, are very traumatic for the patient and rely on the skills of the maxillofacial team. Computer-aided design and computer-aided manufacturing have opened a new approach to the fabrication of maxillofacial prostheses. The present article tries to describe different types of retentive aids, classification and to perform an update on the digital design of a maxillofacial prosthesis.

Keywords: Retentive aids, conventional and digital workflow in maxillofacial prosthesis, maxillofacial defects, craniofacial implants.

12. Review Article l J Orofacial Rehabilitation. 2021 Aug;1(2):110-119.

DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.5205408

Comparative evaluation of biomechanical properties of implant-abutment connections: A review.

Saha S, Sarkar S, Giri TK, Mukherjee S, Ghosh R.


Dental implant is a brightest and fast growing  prospect for the rehabilitation of partially and complete edentulous arches. Different studies on the biomechanics of implant have been done. Implant abutment connection is a crucial role for the success of prosthetic rehabilitation for an implant‑supported restoration. In this review, we describe the biomechanics of different implant-abutment connections that are the external implant connections, internal implant connections, and the Morse taper connections in the terms of their various properties.

Keyword: External and internal connections, morse taper, biomechanics.

Case Reports

13. Case Report l J Orofacial Rehabilitation. 2021 Aug;1(2):120-125.

DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.5205422

Pink -white esthetics- a brief review & case report of gingival porcelain on fixed partial denture prosthesis.

Banik A, Bhattacharyya J, Das S, Ghosh S, Goel P.


Traumatic extraction, long standing edentulousness or congenital defects are some of the most common reasons behind gingival and underlying bony defects that present with compromised aesthetics. The management of such defects is mostly done using periodontal and surgical therapies which have their own added disadvantages like, morbidity at the donor site and unpredictability of the outcome. This article reviews and presents a case report of a method of overcoming this problem with a common material mostly used in all fixed partial dentures i.e., porcelain. Gingival Porcelain is easily constructed over a fixed partial denture and offers a much more practical solution to optimize the aesthetics and functional outcome in indicated situations while permitting hygiene maintenance of the prosthesis and the supporting tissues beneath it.

Keyword: Aesthetics, Gingival masking, Gingival porcelain, Gingival veneers, Gingival porcelain.

14. Case Report l J Orofacial Rehabilitation. 2021 Aug;1(2):126-133.

DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.5205433

Restoration of anterior teeth with different types of post and core: A case series.

Adhya PS, Chugh NK, Islam I.


Restoration of endodontically treated or fractured teeth is often considered as challenging. Fabrication of post core not only increases the fracture toughness of the tooth but also increases the retention of the prosthesis. The purpose of this case series is to discuss three different procedures of post and core fabrication in the anterior teeth. Pre-fabricated metal post with composite core, custom made metal post core and glass fiber post with composite core are three different treatment options which can be utilized to save the fractured teeth.

Keyword:  Post and core, endodontically treated teeth, pre-fabricated metal post, custom made metal post, glass fiber post, ferrule.

15. Case Report l J Orofacial Rehabilitation. 2021 Aug;1(2):134-139.

DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.5205441

Loop connectors: A novel solution to prosthodontic dilemma.

Chokhani D


Restoring a single missing anterior tooth is perplexing and challenging prosthodontic procedure that can be achieved with implant-supported restorations as well as conventional porcelain-fused-to-metal or resin-bonded fixed partial dentures. Variable esthetic treatment options should be explored while treating such patients. As the presence of interdental spaces between the anteriors preceding the extraction may result in excessive pontic space. Loop connectors are use to resolve this problem of excessive mesio-distal pontic space that cannot be managed by conventional fixed partial dentures. Loop connector offers an effortless solution for a situation involving an anterior edentulous space albeit with the maintenance of the diastema. The present article enlightens a unique solution for a case with excessive mesio-distal space in the anterior region to achieve ideal esthetic results in the maxillary anterior segment.

Keyword: Diastema, loop connector, esthetics, anterior edentulous space.

16. Case Report l J Orofacial Rehabilitation. 2021 Aug;1(2):140-144.

A solution to regain bone-loss around immediately loaded short implant: A clinical report.

Kumar S, Singh K, Shill M.


Immediately loaded short dental implant is a well-recognized procedure to replace missing teeth in situations where atrophic ridges or close proximity to vital structures are expected. It is very conservative, less invasive, economical dental practice but failure of short implants can occur as similar to any other type of dental implants and successful management of failing implant is based on exact determination of etiological factor, proper debridement of site, proper selection of bone graft and barrier membrane etc. this case report discuss the successful management of a immediately loaded failing short implant.

Keyword: Short implant, immediate loading, osseointegration, complications, bone loss, bone graft.