Journal of Orofacial Rehabilitation

Volume 1 Issue 3

01. Editorial l J Orofacial Rehabilitation. 2021 Dec;1(3):2-3.

Banerjee S

02.Guest Editorial l J Orofacial Rehabilitation. 2021 Dec;1(3):4-5.

Nelwan CL

Case Reports

03. Development of emergence profile and soft tissue contour with a customised healing abutment at the time of implant placement: A case report. l J Orofacial Rehabilitation. 2021 Dec;1(3):6-12.

DOI:  10.5281/zenodo.5796281

Lirani T, Singh S, Sharma S


An optimal implant restoration should restore the white as well as pink aesthetics of a tooth. The soft tissue contour should be maintained and restored during implant placement and its healing. There are various approaches to develop the soft tissue contour around implants that include the usage of healing abutments, temporary crowns and gingival formers. This case report describes a technique that allows chair side fabrication of customized healing abutments using acrylic denture tooth and composite resin. The customised abutment will maintain the gingival contour and will also load the implant immediately. The final prosthesis was fabricated with G-Cam (Graphene) discs and was layered with composite resin after three months of implant placement.

Key words: – Immediate loading, customised healing abutment, graphene.

04. Prosthetic and Endodontic Retreatment of Maxillary Premolars: A case report. l J Orofacial Rehabilitation. 2021 Dec;1(3):13-18.

DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.5796287

Adhya PS, Chugh NK, Islam I


Endodontic in combination with prosthetic treatments are often done to restore the form and function of carious teeth. But such treatment does fail because of various reasons. If diagnosed properly such cases can be treated by endodontic and prosthetic retreatment. The following case report discuss regarding the treatment protocol of endodontic and prosthetic retreatment of maxillary premolars.

Key words: – Endodontic Failure, Prosthetic Failure, Endodontic Retreatment, Prosthetic Retreatment, Post and Core, Crown Lengthening.

05. An over-shadowed treatment modality – the tooth supported overdenture. l J Orofacial Rehabilitation. 2021 Dec;1(3):19-23.

DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.5796314

Khan R, Rajan K, Roy Choudhury I


Loss of alveolar bone is a extremely worrisome after the loss of natural teeth. Overdenture is a good and economical treatment modality in means of preservation, retention and stability of prosthesis and thereby increase the patient’s quality of life. This case report will help us understand the role and benefits of tooth support in overdentures even after the advent of dental implants.

Key words: – Edentulism, Overdentures, Post and Core, Overlay dentures

06. Rehabilitation of acquired maxillary defect: interim obturator prosthesis. l J Orofacial Rehabilitation. 2021 Dec;1(3):24-27.

DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.5726218

Saxena D, Singh R, Jan I 


Restoration of acquired maxillary defects presents a great challenge to the clinician due to the anatomy and extent of the defect. Impression procedures and retention of the prosthesis is the most difficult part of prosthesis fabrication. This article describes the technique for the fabrication   of   an   obturator   prosthesis for a dentulous patient.

Key words: – Maxillary defect, obturator, interim prosthesis.

07. Rehabilitation of completely edentulous mandibular arch with implant retained overdenture: A case report. l J Orofacial Rehabilitation. 2021 Dec;1(3):28-33.

DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.5726271

Aparajita, Shahi H, Barui AK


Rehabilitation of completely edentulous arch is really a difficult job for prosthodontists. A successful prosthesis should restore the normal contour, function, esthetics, speech and overall health of stomatognathic system. Implant retained overdenture has more advantages over a conventional complete denture. Dental implants maintain integrity of residual alveolar ridge, soft tissue profile, improve chewing efficiency and psychological health. This case report is about an old male patient reported to the department of Prosthodontics and Crown & Bridge with a chief complain of loose fitting mandibular complete denture and difficulty in chewing. Considering the financial condition of the patient as well as expected outcome of the prosthesis an implant retained overdenture for mandibular arch was planned.

Keywords: Complete edentulism, Dental implants, Overdenture, Attachment, Surgical stent